AS Saint-Etienne : Jérémy Clément hangs up the crampons | ASSE Live News

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Passed by Olympique Lyonnais (2003-2006), Paris Saint-Germain (2007-2011) or even AS Saint-Etienne (2011-2017), Jérémy Clément (35) definitively puts away his crampons. While he signed up for FC Bourgoin-Jallieu (National 3) last summer, the midfielder made the decision to retire following the stoppage of the amateur championships due to the pandemic of coronavirus. The native of Béziers formalized the information with our colleagues from Dauphiné Libéré, also revealing part of his plans for the future.

It’s time for me to stop the field. I want to stay in football but

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Jérémy Clément raccroche les crampons