AS Saint-Etienne : ASSE Cœur-Vert, Sainté researchers say THANK YOU | ASSE News

Grateful toASSE for their donation, the community of researchers from the CHU de Saint-Étienne sent a word of thanks to the club and the ASSE Cœur-Vert charity.

ASSE: Researchers from CHU de Saint-Étienne thank donors

The researchers at the Saint-Etienne teaching hospital were marked by ASSE’s gesture to their community. The Loire club has indeed collected 88,058 euros, by virtually selling the Stade de France seats for the virtual final against the coronavirus. The funds collected were entirely donated to the CHU de Saint-Étienne, which participates in the European research program Discovery dedicated to the fight against COVID-19.

“On behalf of the research community of the Center Hospitalier Universitaire de Saint-Étienne, the professors Bruno Pozzetto, Élisabeth Botelho-Nevers and Thomas bourlet, warmly thank the thousands of donors, during the ASSE Coeur-Vert challenge, “relayed ASSE on its website. “A big thank you for your generosity,” wrote the three researchers on

As a reminder, ASSE had put the 80,000 seats at the Stade de France on sale, at the rate of one euro per seat. Finally, Stéphanois sold more places than expected, 8058 more, the solidarity initiative of the Greens was strongly supported by the public.

Through ALEXIS

Posted on April 17, 2020 at 8:07 PM |
                     updated on April 17, 2020 at 20:07