AS Saint-Etienne : silent or angry, the former Greens are afraid | ASSE News

The majority of players who have worn the green jersey keep it close to their hearts. Cabella, for example, from Krasnodar, his current home base in Russia, regularly sends encouraging messages to his former team and supporters. In these difficult times in the Forez, it is far from being useless … Others prefer to be silent, for fear of adding pressure to their former teammates, or even of saying things that may be misinterpreted or upset. : “The problems do not date from today” loose one of them anyway, on condition of anonymity.

Jérémy Clément, now a coach at Bourgoin-Jallieu, is not one of them. Posed as usual, he watches these pre-derby days without taking sides: “It’s my side to have played in both …