AS Saint-Etienne : Caïazzo refuses to sell Drômois Olivier Markarian, the trail of the Prince of Cambodia is moving away | ASSE News

A real soap opera of the Ligue 1 season among the Greens, the sale of AS Saint-Étienne is still far from being completed. According to the team’s information, all known potential buyers have been cooled or have withdrawn.

This is the case in particular of the Prince of Cambodia Norodom Ravichak, scalded by the sporting situation of ASSE (last in Ligue 1 after 9 days), “the study of certain documents” but also by the climate of violence that reigns with the supporters.

Remains the track of Drômois installed in Valence Olivier Markarian, who would have made good progress on the file, but the chairman of the supervisory board Bernard Caïazzo would refuse to cede the club to the Franco-Armenian businessman of 50 years to keep a role at the club and in the Parisian football authorities. This would not be guaranteed with Markarian at the head of the Greens.

Out of solutions, Caïazzo went, again according to the sports daily, to the United States last week in order to find new potential buyers … The Peak6 track could thus come back on the mat. To be continued …