AS Saint-Etienne : Saint Etienne. More than 100,000 euros for three solidarity associations | ASSE News

He is well on his way to winning his bet, even though the pandemic has pushed him back three times. Sylvain Ogier, president of Ester, the business club of Saint-Etienne, has never given up. In recent days, his great solidarity gala has been sold out. Six hundred seats, six hundred guests for a dinner concocted by the starred chef of the restaurant La Source in Saint-Galmier, Antoine Bergeron, and signed with a dessert from the best worker in France, Bruno Montcoudiol, world pastry champion.

An evening that will be punctuated by entertainment, notably with the Loire Forez symphonic ensemble and the company Melting Force. For this evening, Sylvain Ogier intends to “break the codes compared to traditional evenings”, by bringing a philosophical touch on a topical theme, “aging well and aging together”, with a conference by the essayist and philosopher Raphaël Enthoven .

Six hundred united guests

For this event, the president of Ester called on three important partners: the Jean-Michel-Despinasse foundation, the AESIO group and ASSE Cœur Vert. A matter of great generosity since the proceeds of this evening will be entirely donated to three associations with local projects related to “living well and aging well together”: Eurecah, Rêves de Gosses and the Foyer L’Olivier.

With an entry price of 150 € for this gala evening, each participant had the possibility to be more generous and to pay what he wanted… “We very quickly filled the room and reached the six hundred guests hoped for. this evening of solidarity, recently confided Sylvain Ogier. It is still too early to give the exact amount that will be donated to the three associations. What is certain is that it will exceed € 100,000. “