AS Saint-Etienne : D1 women: Bordeaux hung in Saint-Étienne, Montpellier wins in Dijon | ASSE News

Traveling to Dijon, Montpellier managed this first match much better by winning (2-1), while Yannick Chandioux, the coach of the Héraultaises, found his former club. Petermann then Puntigam (90th + 2), from a free kick, scored the visitors’ two goals while Schmitz had scored against his camp and equalized for the DFCO (72nd).

PSG enter the competition on Sunday

the Paris FC performed well at home against Guingamp (4-1). The Franciliennes scored two goals per period by Mateo (1st) and Corboz (35th, s.p.) then Binate (61st) and Ribadeira (63rd). Daoudi saved the honor of the Bretons (29th).

Drafted, the GPSO Issy started with a loss at Soyal (2-0) with goals from Rowswell against his camp (39th) then Laura Bourgouin (87th).

As a reminder, theOlympique Lyonnais beaten down Reims (3-0), Friday, at the start of the first day. the PSG, defending champion, will kick off his season on Sunday (12:55 p.m.) at home against Fleury.