AS Saint-Etienne : Gasset without solution pays homage to Khazri | ASSE Live News

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Back in the Chaudron, Jean-Louis Gasset missed his reunion with the Forez. After his team’s heavy loss to ASSE, it was a struggling manager who came forward to the press. Visibly moved by his reunion with Khazri, he paid tribute to the Stéphanois striker.

We’re going to talk about the first half already, it was in line with what we had decided to try to do with a slightly more generous team. In this first half there were some facts about the game, which I think put us at a disadvantage. At 2-1, it was tough.
From the 55th we had to make a poker move to get back to the score and there we took a

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Gasset sans solution rend hommage à Khazri