AS Saint-Etienne : End of season for Modeste? | ASSE Live News

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On loan this winter to AS Saint-Etienne, a very important club for the Modeste family, Anthony had the opportunity to follow in his father’s footsteps.

Unfortunately, her physical deficit had not allowed her to fully express herself until then. His loan could even turn into a disaster, since according to Didier Bigard, the French striker who suffers from the adductors could be forced into the operation. From then on, his season in Forez would be over.

#ASSE Anthony Modeste who suffers in the adductors could be forced to undergo surgery, as before him Retsos. His season would then be over.

– Bigard Didier (@DidierBigard) April 16, 2021

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Fin de saison pour Modeste ?