AS Saint-Etienne : Caïazzo, an absence that creates tensions | ASSE News

Bernard Caïazzo chose to go into exile for a time in the Persian Gulf due to restrictions linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. The removal of the co-president of Saint-Etienne, who usually resides in Paris, makes the Greens cringe.

Many Île-de-France residents hit the road this weekend after the announcement of new restrictions for at least four weeks. To be confined far from Paris, with family, friends or in a second home. Time to let pass the third wave of Covid-19. Bernard Caïazzo is one of those who left Paris. But the co-president of AS Saint-Etienne, who resides in the capital year-round, has not chosen the French countryside as a base of fallback. Even less the hilly landscapes of Forez.

The 67-year-old leader has decided to move abroad to escape the health crisis. He settled in the Persian Gulf for the next few weeks. An exile that creates certain tensions among the Greens. For several years, ASSE has operated with a duo at its head. Roland Romeyer is in charge of the daily life of the club and Bernard Caïazzo manages his representation at the level of the authorities.

Romeyer doesn’t like

The distance will not prevent Bernard Caïazzo from staying active, but his choice is not to everyone’s liking at Geoffroy-Guichard. The supporters, who have never carried “the Parisian” in their hearts, take the opportunity to scold him. Roland Romeyer, who enjoys being as close as possible to events in his native region, does not appreciate the choice of his partner either.

The sports staff headed by Claude Puel, in place since October 2019, are surprised to have seen Bernard Caïazzo only very rarely. At a time when the Greens are in 16th place in Ligue 1, 4 points from the red zone, this situation is enough to dampen the mood a little more at the end of the season.

Alexandre Jaquin with Timothée Maymon