AS Saint-Etienne : Beric settles his accounts with Puel | ASSE Live News

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Robert Beric will not be spending his next vacation with Claude Puel, that’s for sure. The Slovenian striker now in Chicago looks back on his departure from Saint-Etienne in the columns of the last France Football and castigates his last coach in Forez.

“Everything was going well in Sainté. I signed a three-year extension in February 2019. Then we had bad results and Ghislain Printant unfortunately had to leave. Claude Puel came up with a completely different project, which many players, including me, were not part of. ”

The Slovenian forward now in MLS looks back on the post-derby, where he made a winning entry with the winning goal. Subsequently, Claude

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Beric règle ses comptes avec Puel