AS Saint-Etienne : the return of the public to the stadiums is underway! | ASSE News

Zapping Goal! Football club ASSE: the Greens’ tribute to Loïc Perrin

Let us calm the ardor immediately: the government has not just decided that supporters will again be able to attend matches, football or otherwise. The interministerial meeting which was held today did not have this goal given that the health situation remains very tense in the country and that an end to the crisis is not for tomorrow.


Study how the virus spreads in the stages

The idea today was to follow up on the words of Roxana Maracineanu, who explained that tests were going to be carried out in various stages of Ligue 1 to see in what condition the supports could make their return. The question was, what should these tests be? According to L’Equipe, “the objective is to study how the virus spreads in open stages, or in closed enclosures, thanks to people who volunteer to test the modalities.”

These studies carried out, the authorities will be able to establish a very strict protocol so that the French supporters, deprived of a stadium since October, can find the stands, and more than a thousand.