AS Saint-Etienne : With rugbywoman Jessy Tremouliere, Thibault Blanchard, player of Puy Foot 43 and Adeline Coquard of ASSE | ASSE News

To be 20 years old in 21

What does it mean to be a sportsman or a high level athlete in a very specific context which severely cuts the seasons?

We had the testimony ofAdeline Coquard, ASSE player and international French under 20 years and that of Thibault Blanchard, player of Puy Foot 43.

Jessy Trémouliere, internship with the French rugby team

The rugbywoman of the decade currently finds the France team, she tells us about her particular season in suspension from the championship for three months, postponement of the VI Nations tournament and the 2021 World Cup.