AS Saint-Etienne : How to find tickets for a Champions League football match? | ASSE Live News

If you are passionate about football, it is obvious that you would like to follow the games of major competitions live, that is to say from the stands. What you don’t know is that sometimes it is difficult to secure places in a Champions League game. Fortunately, there are solutions that will help you achieve this. Do you want to discover them? We present them to you here.

How to find tickets for a Champions League football match?
How to find tickets for a Champions League football match?

Remember to book your football tickets in advance

The best way to find a C1 ticket is to book it several weeks in advance. Indeed, the Champions League is a prestigious competition. As a result, several people will try to win their places to follow the matches. So if you want to have your ticket at the best price, you must anticipate.

However, keep in mind that the Champions League ticket office varies depending on the site you visit. Therefore, it is best that you consult a football ticket comparator like to assess the price difference. This will give you many benefits.

Saving time

Comparing ticket prices for a football match on the same platform will save you a lot of time. Indeed, while remaining on the page, you will be able to obtain all the information necessary to reserve your ticket in advance.


It is also possible to review the matches available in your Champions League Ticket Office. On this basis, you can book the ticket for the meeting you wish to attend.

The best available rates

Finally, you will have the opportunity to assess the price offered by C1 ticket sales platforms. You can then choose the most suitable offer and complete your reservation.

Go to the official websites of the competing teams

To win a place to follow a Champions League match, you can also go to the official websites of the competing teams. With this alternative, you won’t have to pay exorbitant prices to get yours on D-Day. Generally, football clubs offer special packs to supporters with many advantages in relation to the prices.

So you can subscribe to your favorite teams to be informed of offers. This way you will be able to find tickets for your Champions League game at the right time. Also note that on official sites the value of tickets is not too high.

Use ticket exchanges

The Champions League is a major global football competition. It is therefore obvious that finding tickets to follow your favorite meetings will sometimes be complicated. Fortunately, you can now earn your place with the ticket purses. This is an alternative that will get your pass for less and in no time.

In fact, they are platforms that offer purchases and sales of tickets for individuals. For example, for an unforeseen event, a supporter can decide to release his ticket. He then goes to a specialized site to do so. By taking a tour on this platform, you will have your entry ticket at a lower cost.

Choose a less prestigious poster

Finally, to find a C1 ticket you can choose a less prestigious poster, that is to say a less publicized match. Especially in this case, it is not too crowded and the fans are not snatching the tickets. So this is a great way to get some. However, consider going to a football ticket comparator to get the best possible deal.

All in all, there are several ways to get your place in a Champions League game. You can book in advance, visit your teams’ official websites or go to online comparators to take advantage of preferential rates.