AS Saint-Etienne : Stéphane Ruffier’s agent directly implicated | ASSE News

The end of the adventure is near for Stephane Ruffier to theASSE, where the leaders initiated a dismissal procedure for serious misconduct by the Greens goalkeeper. The final point of a soap opera which began at the end of last winter and during which the statements of the agent Patrick glanz don’t just add fuel to the fire.

ASSE will fire Stéphane Ruffier

“TheAS Saint-Etienneseized the legal committee of the LFP in order to consider the dismissal of its guard for serious misconduct. The two parties are summoned to an attempt at conciliation on December 15, “wrote The team in today’s edition. The end of a long soap opera which will have seen opposition Stephane Ruffier, goalkeeper in nearly 400 matches at ASSE in Claude Puel then in management, from his replacement as the incumbent until his layoffs. The second, which took place on November 19 for a new “act of insubordination” according to the club, or “a contemptuous attitude by leaving training prematurely and without any authorization”, should be the last. According to insider Mohamed Toubache-Ter, this is the interview given to The team by Stéphane Ruffier’s agent, Patrick Glanz, who crystallized all the tensions.

The attitude of Ruffier’s agent denounced

The problem ofASSE with Stephane Ruffier, according to Mohamed Toubache-Ter, “starts from this statement to The Channel The Team : “M’Vila null, Debuchy old, Cabaye no longer puts one foot in front of the other, young people have no quality,” says the agent who attributes his remarks to Puel, “writes the insider on Twitter.” What to say ? It’s terrible to see a representative of a player fault in this way in the media. It all starts from there … “, he added, adding that” old “Debuchy” is captain of Sainté “now.” Wait, you really think that a club can not forget anything with a thunderous declaration via The team : “This coach started a demolition business,” said the player’s agent. I repeat, everything starts from this famous interview of incredible violence “, concluded Mohamed Toubach-Ter. It will be necessary to know the outcome of the attempt at conciliation, on December 15, to know the outcome of Stéphane’s career. Ruffier at ASSE.

Through Matthew