AS Saint-Etienne : Caiazzo recognizes the “situation of extreme gravity” | ASSE News

Euphoric a year ago, when Médiapro won the tender for Ligue 1 TV rights for more than a billion euros, French football is today on the brink of a precipice. Blame it on the fall of the Sino-Spanish media but also on the health crisis, which emptied the stadiums and caused the shutdown of the previous championship. In an interview with Le Figaro, the president of ASSE, Bernard Caiazzo, noted the damage and called for strong measures from the government.


“We need a Marshall plan”

“It’s a little easy to say that we were too greedy. Today, we can turn the problem in all directions, the Europe of football is taking the Covid and its impacts in the face, when we, in France, we were added the stop of the championship last season, and of the main broadcaster. All Italian, English and Spanish clubs are struggling financially to varying degrees with accounts in the red. With more than 90% of European clubs in deficit, it is important to take a little distance and avoid hasty conclusions. The club presidents questioned themselves by placing Vincent Labrune at the head of the League. I had said that it was necessary to put it in people who have lived in a club and who know their life. This is the case with Labrune. It was our first strong decision. “

“We need a Marshall Plan for football by changing certain laws on the duration of TV rights, calls for tenders. But money is not everything, the duty of a government is also to be able to modify its legislative arsenal to help a sector in difficulty. For example, put a law against piracy that is more secure for broadcasters. It is the accumulation of problems that can kill our French professional football. We are in a situation of extreme gravity is obvious. “