AS Saint-Etienne : our tops and flops | ASSE News


Moueffek tried

Positioned on the left flank of the Stéphane defense, he coped with this situation by transplanting regularly on his right foot. Either to transplant in the ball axis at the foot, or to create shifts on the left wing. The Stéphanois made his power speak by overflowing, without being hampered with his left foot. It is also a beautiful ride stopped irregularly when he appeared near the surface (73rd). To dig.



22 ball losses is more than any other player on the Saint-Symphorien lawn this Sunday. Add to that a series of imprecise crosses and technical faults on the majority of his offensives on the right side, and you have a very complicated game for the Saint-Etienne right-back. Strolled by Boulaya in the first period, he could not compensate for his defensive deficiencies by any offensive contribution. Unhappy, he scored against his camp under pressure from Vagner at the end of the game, offering the break to the Messins.

Bouanga, still wanted

Going in search of the lost Bouanga could be the mission of a future Indiana Jones with Claude Puel in place of Harrison Ford. Scorer and passer last season, he has only been a shadow of himself since the start of the season, despite the two goals scored against Strasbourg and Marseille. This Sunday, he lost twenty of the forty-six balls he played, while losing the vast majority of his duels. As a result, he put his team in danger several times at the start of the game, without being able to weigh in against the Metz goal with two small shots including a lob of more than forty meters without conviction. It is also him who deviates from the wall on the opening score of Boulaya.

Retsos has not confirmed

Author of a first full of promise despite the setback conceded against Nice, Panagiotis Retsos illustrated the shortcomings of Saint-Etienne during the first act. Too easy sometimes, lacking accuracy in his interventions on others, or taking reckless risks during certain raises, the last Loire recruit did not have the expected return. A performance all the more necessary as it was within a defense with the air of an airy center as the average age was low. Unfortunately for him, he couldn’t show another face in the second act which he left after three minutes of play.