AS Saint-Etienne : A parade against sexism in Saint-Etienne | ASSE News

A parade against sexism in Saint-Etienne – TL7, Television loire 7

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October 3, 2020

Sud education Loire called for a rally “concerning the republican dress, the prohibition of some from entering their establishment because of their skirt or shorts”, this Saturday afternoon, place de l’Hotel-de-Ville in Saint- Etienne.

About forty people participated in this Saint-Etienne gathering who respected the sanitary instructions. Groups of 9 people had been formed to take turns climbing the steps of the town hall. Protesters carried placards with slogans protesting the sexism of dress codes at school and elsewhere.

This mobilization came after a statement by the Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, who had advocated “a position of balance and common sense”. “You just need to dress normally and you will be fine,” he said on September 14. Since then, # monday14septembre has been launched, and middle and high school students are demanding the right to dress as they wish. A movement now taken up by parents.


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