AS Saint-Etienne : The Etrat weekend: Three defeats in as many games for the Saint-Etienne team | ASSE Live News

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Sad weekend for the young people of ASSE, the U17s, the U19s and the reserve lost. Too bad for the young Greens who failed to come after a perfect weekend which saw the victory of the U19 and the reserve for their resumption of the championship.

Same price for everyone

It was the reserve that started the weekend with a travel to Chambéry. First defeat for the N3 who lost with a score of 3 goals to 1 against the Savoyards. Tshibuabua reduced the score late in the match.

The U17 and U19 were playing

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Le week-end de l’Etrat : Trois défaites en autant de matchs pour la formation stéphanoise