AS Saint-Etienne : Caïazzo clarifies the role of Puel, a novelty in the world of football | ASSE News

The co-president of ASSE, Bernard Caïazzo, returned, in a statement to Téléfoot, on the predominant role of Claude Puel within the Saint-Etienne team.

“In Europe, there are hardly any clubs where the coach is a member of the board. With us, Claude Puel is a member of the management board. This means that every week when the directors meet and talk about marketing, finance, stadium, and not just football and players, the coach attends the meeting, listens and gives advice, often authorized. And that is more than a general manager (…) A coach is nevertheless one of the most important people in a club and it is to honor this profession to give these responsibilities to those who wish them. and who are able to do so. “