AS Saint-Etienne : very bad news for the fans! | ASSE News

A Ligue 1 game was scheduled with OM and ASSE, but fans will be bound to be disappointed to learn that it does not take place on the reported date. Indeed, you were to follow your favorite team on Friday night at the Vélodrome, but the Covid-19 is doing its own thing. As a result, footballers will not be able to set foot on the lawn. This meeting was important, however, because it was about the launch of Ligue 1 with OM on one side and ASSE on the other.

A season already upset by the coronavirus

If some thought that the Covid-19 was far away, they can now realize that the situation is less pleasant. While other disciplines have been hit hard like tennis over the summer, football has not been spared. Precautions are then taken to prevent the spread of the virus and OM have already been singled out against Strasbourg. As a result, the match scheduled for 7 p.m. Friday night will not take place.

  • Saint-Étienne will not be able to meet OM at the Vélodrome, we will have to wait for a later date.
  • Within OM, however, three suspicions about the coronavirus were officially raised by the leaders.
  • Ligue 1 could therefore be threatened if the situation grew significantly over the weeks.
  • It is important to note according to BFMTV that suspicions have turned into proven cases, which is probably why the match was won.

Obviously, the numbers of cases are multiplying and teams can easily be contaminated whether in the locker room or on the lawn. As a result, the postponement has been validated for this opening match for the 2020/2021 season of Ligue 1. The health context is therefore particular, all precautions are taken to avoid massive contamination. According to the LFP, the protocol is precise and above all strict, because if players are affected by the coronavirus, measures are necessarily taken. As a result, OM will not be able to host Saint-Étienne.

Was the OM club a cluster?

When cases are identified, the main fear revolves around the massive contamination of other players. Therefore, when cases of this kind are identified, the risk concerns the cluster. Several in France have been identified and it is not necessarily in the sports world. Indeed, families can also be touched during gastronomic events for example. One person can then infect others and there is a vicious cycle that spreads. Therefore, the family cluster should not be sidelined.

Football stadium
Source: Pixabay capture

As far as OM is concerned, this does not appear to be the case. Tests carried out earlier in the week did not show such a character. As a result, the players are the only ones affected and no repercussions would have been identified. It’s still good news, but Ligue 1 fans are waiting for the next date for the launch of Ligue 1. The leaders want to be vigilant on the other hand while the coronavirus is still circulating in France and in other countries . With the resumption of competition in several sporting areas, concerns seem to be escalating.