AS Saint-Etienne : Puel again justifies the absence of executives | ASSE Live News

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Pushed towards the exit on the ASSE side, Yann M’Vila (30 years old), Wahbi Khazri (29 years old), Ryad Boudebouz (30 years old), Loïs Diony (27 years old) or even Stéphane Ruffier (33 years old) n ‘ were not called for the internship in Dinard. Coach Claude Puel, who justified M’Vila’s absence with a “Ankle problem”, returned once again to those of the executives.

“You have to make the decisions. There are forty players, how do we do it? “ he wondered during an interview with Progress. “I take the responsibilities (concerning the players who remained in the State) knowing that some have discussions

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Puel justifie de nouveau l'absence des cadres