AS Saint-Etienne : ASSE – Mercato: the transfer of Moukoudi to Middlesbrough questioned? | ASSE Live News

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The club in the North of England has just changed manager, Jonathan Woodgate, who greatly appreciated Harold Moukoudi, was fired.

On loan last January to Middlesbroug, Harold Moukoudi had made a good start with the residents of Riverside Stadium. So much so that there was talk that he would be permanently transferred there if the club in the north of England managed to stay in the Second Division.

His manager, Jonathan Woodgate, was indeed under the spell, and he knew what he was talking about since he was a central defender himself. Only… Woodgate just got laid off! The slap received at home last Saturday against Swansea (0-3) was fatal to him, his team pointing to 21st place out of 24.

To replace him, Middlesbrough executives called on veteran Neil Warnock (71). This one is not famous for making lace and it is not certain that he

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ASSE – Mercato : le transfert de Moukoudi à Middlesbrough remis en question ?