AS Saint-Etienne : ASSE, FC Nantes, RC Lens: a huge boost is announced at the Mercato! | ASSE Live News

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The Franco-French transfer window that opens this Monday could allow some clubs to recover their health as its exposure over time will be more assertive than usual.

France is one of the few European countries to have decided not to resume football due to the health crisis. So far Jean-Michel Aulas has heard enough on the subject not to know. The Franco-French transfer window which starts today is in particular supposed to compensate for the shortfall of clubs in France, who should take advantage of it to make more purchases than usual on their own soil.

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Above all, the market which starts this morning should last four months and close on October 2! This duration is much longer than usual and could serve as an extra boost for player trading. “Usually,

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ASSE, FC Nantes, RC Lens : un énorme coup de pouce est annoncé au Mercato !