AS Saint-Etienne : In the spotlight: LREM MEPs in the field / SOS friendships for listening / Private cinemas and theaters are worried. – The News | ASSE News

7:26 p.m.

Discovery of a second world war bomb at La Ricamarie

A 200 kg shell was discovered by workers on a wasteland in La Ricamarie, this Thursday, April 23. The demining service put it in safety under 3 meters of earth while waiting for its neutralization.

6:00 p.m.

Saint-Etienne: a municipal council by videoconference

Given the period of health crisis and confinement, a municipal council will take place on Wednesday April 29 at 5:00 pm, by videoconference, and can be followed live via the website of the city of Saint-Etienne.

5:59 p.m.

The École des Mines de Saint-Étienne joins the international “Impact” classification

A pioneer in France in the field of sustainable development, the Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne obtains a new international recognition by integrating the young “Impact” ranking of the prestigious English magazine Times Higher Education, dedicated to Sustainable Development, Social Responsibility and Environmental.

3:06 p.m.

Saint-Chamond: € 68 fine for gloves or masks thrown on public roads

After several reports, the mayor of Saint-Chamond decided to issue an order prohibiting the throwing of any protective equipment on the public highway. Violators caught in the act will be punished with a fine of € 68.

2:21 p.m.

Basketball: Jean-Denys Choulet extends to Roanne

The Roanne Choir has just renewed its emblematic coach Jean-Denys Choulet, 61, for two seasons. The Loire club is 16th for the moment in Jeep Elite.

9:09 a.m.

Cancellation of the Scoop Music Tour 2020

In view of the evolution of the epidemic, the City of Feurs, its festival committee and Radio Scoop have decided to cancel the 10th edition of the “Scoop Music Tour” which was to take place on July 13, 2020 in the precincts from the Feurs racecourse.

6:36 p.m.April 22

The CCAS of Rive-de-Gier in high demand

The Rive-de-Gier municipal social action center processes between 100 and 120 requests per day: requests for food aid, reports of elderly people in difficulty, follow-up for users, requests for people who no longer have CAF, CPAM or other contact person, mask requests, need to be reassured …

6.33 p.m.April 22

100,000 masks for construction workers in the Region

The Region is committed to distributing 100,000 masks in tested and approved fabrics, washable 50 times and reusable for all employees of construction companies who employ up to 20 people. Distribution will take place in all departments via the network of the French Building Federation, the Confederation of Handicrafts for Small Building Companies, and the National Federation of Public Works, in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, from next week.

1:34 p.m.April 22

Biennale de la danse de Lyon postponed

The Lyon Dance Biennial and its parade are postponed to spring 2021. As a result, the parade scheduled for September 6, 2020 in Saint-Etienne is also postponed to spring 2021 “, writes the Loire association Kabanaco which represents the department in Lyon for this event.

10:31 a.m.April 22

Covid-19: 4.4% of the population infected with AuRA

According to a study by the Institut Pasteur published on Tuesday, only 4.4% of the inhabitants of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region will have been infected by May 11. A figure far removed from the 70% rate at which collective immunity would be attained, synonymous with the regression of the epidemic.