AS Saint-Etienne : Gérard Lopez puts on the table a rescue plan | ASSE News

In an interview with L’Equipe, the manager of Lille OSC unveiled the tracks currently being studied in order to release the funds necessary for the survival of the clubs League 1 and of Ligue 2.

“We are new with Nasser al-Khelaïfi (PSG), Jean-Michel Aulas (OL), Bernard Caiazzo (ASSE), Jacques-Henri Eyraud (OM), Nicolas Holveck (Rennes), Jean-Pierre Rivère (OGCN), Olivier Sadran (TFC) plus Loïc Féry (FC Lorient), who joined us on Sunday to bring me his expertise in financial matters. There is no difference. We are in entrepreneurship, we promote our ideas and our networks , in a less restrictive way. (…) We must make a war treasure. But not a war treasure in a bank that we would not have the right to touch. No, a line of credit, of several hundreds of millions of euros, which could be released after a vote by the clubs, in a situation comparable to that of today.A line of credit that would strengthen the League and French football. “ said Gérard Lopez before mentioning the financial estimate of this action plan.