AS Saint-Etienne : nets removed for Saint-Etienne and Paris | ASSE News

OL made the decision to remove the nets that had been set up for the match against Juventus (1-0) during the meetings against ASSE Sunday and PSG in the semifinals of the Coupe de France Wednesday next.

When OL had decided to install nets in front of the corners to avoid any risk of overflow (as for OL-Leipzig) for the arrival of Juventus in the Champions League, ASSE in Ligue 1, and the PSG in the Coupe de France, the reaction of the fans was not long in coming. Expressing their dissatisfaction through a press release, they won their case after their exemplary attitude against Juventus on Wednesday (1-0). Indeed, the Rhone club has announced that the nets will be removed for the arrival of the Greens and PSG.

OL “Count on individual responsibility”

“Following the festive and positive atmosphere of the OL-Juve match, the club made the decision to remove the nets from the corners” wrote the club on its Twitter account, noting however that OL ” relies on the individual responsibility of its supporters in the next matches to maintain this atmosphere and push our team. “ Olympique Lyonnais will therefore be vigilant regarding the attitude of its supporters.

Noa Roche