AS Saint-Etienne : ASSE: no conciliation between Ghislain Printant and the Greens | ASSE Live News

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The meeting between lawyers for ASSE and Ghislain Printant before the industrial tribunal did not give anything. They will see each other again in September.

This Wednesday, the lawyers of AS Saint-Etienne and those of Ghislain Printant, who had not made the trip, had an appointment with the industrial tribunal of Saint-Etienne to try to find common ground after the dismissal of the trainer for “serious fault” last November 14 (he had been laid off before).

According to the AFP, the attempt at conciliation failed. Consequently, the two parties will meet in the same place on September 9 for a hearing to prepare the documents in the file between the parties. Awesome “Disputes the reasons put forward for his dismissal for serious misconduct, words he would have said about players”, one of his lawyers told AFP.

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ASSE : pas de conciliation entre Ghislain Printant et les Verts