AS Saint-Etienne : Penalty contested, a referee proves Saint-Étienne right | ASSE News

THE’ ASSE contested the penalty awarded to Brest on Wednesday. A former referee agreed with him for the whistled foul against Gourna-Douath.

ASSE: Lesage’s incomprehensible explanation to Gourna-Douath

Claude Puel and his players accused the referee of the ASSE match against the Brest stadium for having taken a bad decision for the penalty awarded to the Breton club on Wednesday, on the 16th day of Ligue 1, on a hand fault by Lucas Gourna-Douath (62nd). According to AS Saint-Étienne, there was a big stroller from Lucien Agoumé in the back of the young midfielder, who in his fall touched the ball with his hand. According to the 18-year-old Greens player, the referee Mikaël lesage had admitted himself that he had been pushed around long before, but paradoxically, he did not change his decision.

“The Brest player pushes me behind the back. The referee tells me there is a fault, but that I have not shown enough that there is a fault. We don’t understand. […] The others go to him and tell him to check the VAR and he says the VAR only checks to see if there was no offside before ”, has explained Lucas Gourna Douath after the lost match.

Derrien: “It’s indisputable, the referee must whistle the stroller”

Two days after the ASSE protests, Bruno Derrien, former international referee, agreed with the Stéphanois. He confirms an effective foul by Lucien Agoumé on the N ° 6 of the Greens. He is also surprised and does not understand why Mikaël Lesage maintained his first decision. “He (Gourna) is pushed behind the back. In his fall, he touches the ball with his hand. This is indisputable, but the referee must blow the whistle “, he said in Progress.

“I’m trying to understand. I don’t have an explanation, I don’t know what to tell you. It’s incomprehensible. In my time, we could find mitigating circumstances, because we did not have all these lifebuoys (VAR, editor’s note). There, they have the images in front of their eyes… ”, lamented Bruno Derrien. As a reminder, it was on the penalty converted by Romain Faivre that ASSE lost to Stade Brestois at Francis-Le Blé (1-0).